Terms and Conditions
“Welcome Bonus Germany”

1. General 

The following terms and conditions (“Terms”) govern the rules for participating in the ”Welcome Bonus Germany (“Welcome Bonus Germany”) of the Bitpanda GmbH, with its corporate seat in Stella-Klein-Löw-Weg 17 A-1020 Vienna, (“Bitpanda”) and the resulting legal relationship between Bitpanda and the Participant (as defined in Section 3 or “you”).

By participating in the Welcome Bonus Germany Initiative, you agree to these Terms and the applicable Bitpanda Group TC which form an integral part of these Terms. Please note that the German version is the prevailing version. By participating in the Welcome Bonus Germany Initiative, you represent and warrant you meet the eligibility requirements below and acknowledge that failure to meet all eligibility requirements will result in your disqualification. 

Investing in crypto carries risks. Conduct your own research before concluding a transaction. This Welcome Bonus Germany does not constitute financial advice or an invitation to conclude a transaction. 

2. Duration 

This Promotion will begin on the 22nd of July, 2024, at 10:00 am (EST) and end on the 26th of August, 2024, 11:59 pm (UTC) (“Promotion Period”).

3. Eligibility and Entry: 

Entry is open to Bitpanda Clients (“Participant”) who 
(a) are residents of Germany,

(b) are not resident in a country or territory where the Competition is not available,

(c) meet all the requirements described in these Terms,
(d) after receiving the Welcome Bonus communication (ads, email, push or in-app) have successfully verified, deposited at least EUR 500 and completed 5 separate trades (buys) of crypto assets worth at least  EUR 500 in total (any crypto asset available on the Bitpanda Broker) within the first 14 days after registration on Bitpanda during the Welcome Bonus Germany,

e) accept these Terms.

Natural or legal persons performing market-making services or any similar services are not eligible to enter the Welcome Bonus Germany.

White Label users are not eligible to participate in the Welcome Bonus Germany.

Any volume generated by the Participant by opening Bitpanda Leverage positions will not be taken into account. 

For the avoidance of doubt, it is hereby expressly emphasised that natural or legal persons who provide market-making services or similar services as well as all institutional customers (B2B traders) and market makers are excluded from this Welcome Bonus Germany. Any volume generated by the Participant prior to participating in this Welcome Bonus Germany will not be taken into account and will not count towards trading/purchase volume calculations. Any trading/purchase volume generated outside of the Bitpanda Broker will not be taken into account.

4. Distribution of the Bonus 

Every participant who deposits EUR 500 and makes 5 separate trades (buys) of crypto assets worth at least EUR 500 with Bitpanda will receive EUR 50 in Bitcoin as a bonus (“Bonus”). 

The Bonus will be credited directly to the Participants’ respective wallets. 

Only Participants who (i) meet all the requirements described in section 3 and (ii) were not, for whatever reason, disqualified by Bitpanda in accordance with section 6 are eligible to receive the Bonus.

5. Notifying Participants 

Participants will be notified via the email address of their account about the payout of the Bonus. Bitpanda will strive to transfer the Bonus to the Participants within 30 days after the end of the Welcome Bonus Germany Period. The transfer may be delayed and Bitpanda shall not be liable for any losses arising out of or in connection with a late transfer (e.g. losses due to price changes).

6. Disqualification

Bitpanda may disqualify a Participant if there is (i) collusion between Participants aimed at manipulating the Welcome Bonus Germany, (ii) a breach of these Terms, (iii) a breach of any other applicable terms and conditions of Bitpanda, its subsidiaries, or (iv) if any data provided by you is incorrect.

Disqualified Participants will not be entitled to receive the Bonus.

Bitpanda is not responsible for the accuracy of the data you provide and may disqualify a Participant if the email address of the Bitpanda Client is not valid.

7. Limitation of Liability

To the extent permitted by law, in no event shall Bitpanda be liable for any direct or indirect loss arising out of or in connection with the Welcome Bonus Germany Initiative. 

Bitpanda reserves the right to suspend, cancel, postpone or modify the Welcome Bonus Germany Initiative, if it cannot be executed as planned for any reason. 

If Bitpanda suspects that the “Participant” has manipulated or abused (or attempted to do so) the Welcome Bonus Germany Initiative and/or otherwise acted in bad faith towards Bitpanda or in a fraudulent manner, then Bitpanda reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to take the following actions with respect to any such “Participant” and/or any person Bitpanda believes is acting in concert with such “Participant”: (i) temporarily or permanently block, suspend or terminate the services under such “Participant’s” account with Bitpanda (or any portion thereof) and close such account; (ii) remove and/or deduct any benefit which might have been granted to such “Participant” (taking into account any loss sustained which will be fully recognized); (iii) remove and/or deduct any profits gained by “Participants” as a result of such manipulation or abuse, including the closure of any open positions in the applicable account(s) with Bitpanda; and/or (iv) deny, withhold or withdraw the “Participant” from the Welcome Bonus Germany Initiative and any future promotion.

If Bitpanda suspects that the Participant has manipulated with or abused (or attempted to manipulate) the Welcome Bonus Germany Initiative or otherwise acted in bad faith with respect to Bitpanda, then Bitpanda reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to take the following actions with respect to such Participant and any person Bitpanda believes is acting in concert with such Participant: 

(i) temporary or permanent suspension of Bitpanda’s services (or any part thereof) and closure of the Participant's Bitpanda Account; 

(ii) Deduction/Removal of all benefits granted to such Participant (taking into account the loss sustained, which will be fully recognized); 

(iii) Deduction/Removal of all profits made by such Participant as a result of such manipulation or abuse, including the closing of all open positions in the relevant accounts at Bitpanda; and/or 

(iv) Exclusion from the Welcome Bonus Germany Initiative and all future promotions.

Bitpanda may also exclude Participants if(i) there is a breach of these Terms, 

(ii) there is a breach of any other applicable terms and conditions of Bitpanda or its partners; or 

(iii) the data provided by the Participant is false.

Excluded Participants are not eligible to receive any bonus.

8. Privacy and Taxes

Bitpanda collects your personal data on the basis of your consent in accordance with section 6 (1) lit. a General Data Protection Regulation 2016/679 (“GDPR”) and insofar as this is necessary for the establishment of the legal relationship with the Participant and for the subsequent implementation and handling of the Welcome Bonus Germany Initiative.

For more information about personal data, how, why and for how long it is processed and what rights participants have under the GDPR, we refer to this link: https://www.bitpanda.com/en/legal/bitpanda-privacy-policy

Participants are solely responsible for any/all applicable taxes related to the Bonus. 

9. Contact

For further questions, please contact our customer support team.