zkSync kaufen ZKSYNC

Der Kauf von zkSync bei Europas führender Handelsplattform für den Kauf und Verkauf von digitalen Assets ist einfach, schnell und sicher.

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Über zkSync (ZKSYNC)

ZkSync ist ein Projekt, das die Skalierbarkeit der Ethereum-Blockchain-Plattform verbessern soll. Es nutzt die ZK-Technologie, eine kryptografische Methode, um Transaktionen außerhalb der Kette abzuwickeln und gleichzeitig die Sicherheit von Ethereum auf der Hauptkette zu gewährleisten. Das Projekt hat zum Ziel, schnellere und kostengünstigere Transaktionen zu ermöglichen und gleichzeitig die Kernprinzipien von Ethereum, nämlich Dezentralisierung und Nutzerkontrolle, aufrechtzuerhalten.

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  • ESG-Vorschriften (Umwelt, Soziales und Unternehmensführung) für Krypto-Assets zielen darauf ab, deren Umweltauswirkungen (z. B. energieintensives Mining) anzugehen, Transparenz zu fördern und ethische Governance-Praktiken sicherzustellen, um die Kryptoindustrie mit breiteren Nachhaltigkeits- und gesellschaftlichen Zielen in Einklang zu bringen. Diese Vorschriften fördern die Einhaltung von Standards, die Risiken mindern und Vertrauen in digitale Vermögenswerte schaffen.

    NameBitpanda Asset Management GmbH, Bitpanda GmbH
    Relevante Kennung der Rechtseinheit9845005X9B7N610K0093, 5493007WZ7IFULIL8G21
    Name des Krypto-AssetsZkSync
    KonsensmechanismuszkSync operates as a Layer 2 scaling solution for Ethereum, leveraging zero-knowledge rollups (ZK-Rollups) to enable fast, cost-effective, and secure transactions. This consensus mechanism allows zkSync to offload transaction computation from Ethereum's Layer 1, ensuring scalability while maintaining Ethereum's base-layer security. Core Components: Zero-Knowledge Rollups (ZK-Rollups): zkSync aggregates multiple transactions off-chain and processes them in batches. A cryptographic proof, called a validity proof, is generated for each batch and submitted to the Ethereum mainnet. This ensures that all transactions are valid and compliant with Ethereum's rules without processing them individually on Layer 1. Validity Proofs: zkSync uses zk-SNARKs (Succinct Non-Interactive Arguments of Knowledge) for its validity proofs. These proofs provide mathematical guarantees that transactions within a batch are valid, eliminating the need for Ethereum nodes to re-execute off-chain transactions. Sequencers: Transactions on zkSync are ordered and processed by sequencers, which bundle transactions into batches. Sequencers maintain network efficiency and provide fast confirmations. Fraud Resistance: Unlike Optimistic Rollups, zkSync relies on validity proofs rather than fraud proofs, meaning that transactions are final and secure as soon as the validity proof is accepted by Ethereum. Data Availability: All transaction data is stored on-chain, ensuring that the network remains decentralized and users can reconstruct the state of zkSync at any time.
    Anreizmechanismen und anfallende GebührenzkSync incentivizes network participants through a streamlined fee structure and role-based rewards, designed to ensure security, scalability, and usability for both users and validators. Incentive Mechanism: Validator Rewards: Validators, who generate validity proofs and secure the network, are compensated through transaction fees paid by users. Their role ensures that batches of transactions are processed efficiently and accurately. Sequencer Incentives: Sequencers are responsible for bundling and ordering transactions off-chain. They earn a share of the transaction fees for maintaining network performance and fast processing times. Ecosystem Growth Rewards: zkSync allocates resources to incentivize developers and projects building on its platform, fostering a robust ecosystem of dApps, DeFi protocols, and NFT marketplaces. Applicable Fees: Transaction Fees: Users pay fees in Ether (ETH) for transactions on zkSync. These fees are significantly lower than Ethereum Layer 1 fees, as zkSync processes transactions off-chain and submits only aggregated proofs to the Ethereum mainnet. Fee Model: Fees are dynamically calculated based on the complexity of transactions (e.g., token transfers, smart contract interactions) and the cost of submitting validity proofs to Ethereum. Scalability Benefits: zkSync's efficient rollup architecture reduces gas fees for users while ensuring that validators and sequencers are appropriately compensated for their roles.
    Beginn der Periode2024-01-30
    Ende der Periode2025-01-30
    Energieverbrauch26280.00000 (kWh/a)