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Buying Tron on Europe’s leading retail broker for buying and selling digital assets is easy, fast and secure.
Crypto-assets are highly volatile. You could sustain a loss of some or all of your investment, so it is important to invest only what you can afford to lose. For a detailed overview of the risks, please review the Risk Disclosure.
TRON is among the world’s largest blockchains. The basic unit of accounts on the TRON blockchain is TRX. TRON is a decentralised blockchain platform with a focus on supporting smart contracts and high throughput. Similar to Ethereum, the TRON blockchain is not only the home of a native cryptocurrency called TRX, but also allows developers to deploy their own decentralised applications (DApps). TRON has extensive scalability with a wide variety of applications to be deployed in a highly decentralised network and the ability to verify 2,000 transactions per second.
Cryptocurrencies with the highest market capitalisation
Cryptocurrencies with the lowest market capitalisation
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