Comprare Siacoin SC

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Gli asset cripto sono soggetti a un'elevata volatilità. Potresti subire una perdita parziale o totale del tuo investimento, quindi è importante che tu investa solo ciò che puoi permetterti di perdere. Per una descrizione dettagliata dei rischi, ti invitiamo a consultare l'Informativa sui rischi.

Informazioni su Siacoin (SC)

La rete Sia offre un sistema di archiviazione dati decentralizzato che ambisce a competere con i principali fornitori di archiviazione cloud. I file archiviati su Sia sono suddivisi in 30 segmenti crittografati, ognuno dei quali viene caricato su un host univoco per garantire la ridondanza. Gli accordi tra offerta e domanda di spazio di archiviazione vengono registrati sulla blockchain di Sia e garantiti tramite contratti intelligenti. Il token SC agisce come metodo di pagamento sulla rete: chi affitta spazio paga in SC "il padrone di casa", che a sua volta blocca gli SC nei contratti intelligenti come garanzia.

Esplora le criptovalute correlate

Come comprare Siacoin in modo facile, veloce e sicuro

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  • 3. Deposito

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  • 4. Inizia ad acquistare Siacoin

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  • Le normative ESG (Ambientali, Sociali e di Governance) per gli asset crittografici mirano a affrontare il loro impatto ambientale (ad esempio, il mining ad alta intensità energetica), promuovere la trasparenza e garantire pratiche di governance etica per allineare l'industria delle criptovalute con obiettivi più ampi di sostenibilità e società. Queste normative incoraggiano il rispetto degli standard che mitigano i rischi e promuovono la fiducia negli asset digitali.

    NomeBitpanda Asset Management GmbH, Bitpanda GmbH
    Identificativo giuridico rilevante9845005X9B7N610K0093, 5493007WZ7IFULIL8G21
    Nome dell'asset crittograficoSiacoin
    Meccanismo di consensoSiacoin employs a Proof of Work (PoW) consensus mechanism to secure its decentralized storage network. Core Components: Proof of Work (PoW): Miners validate transactions and secure the blockchain by solving computational puzzles using the PoW model. Blake2b Hashing Algorithm: The network relies on the Blake2b hashing algorithm, optimized for efficient and secure mining operations. ASIC Mining: Mining on the Siacoin network is most efficient using Application-Specific Integrated Circuits (ASICs) tailored for the Blake2b algorithm, promoting network stability through specialized hardware.
    Meccanismi di incentivo e tariffe applicabiliSiacoin incentivizes miners and storage hosts while ensuring low-cost, secure transactions and storage services. Incentive Mechanisms: Block Rewards: Miners earn SC as rewards for validating transactions and successfully adding new blocks to the blockchain, encouraging continuous participation in network security. Transaction Fees: Users pay transaction fees in SC for sending payments and interacting with the network. These fees compensate miners for processing transactions and maintaining network integrity. Host Collateral: Storage hosts must lock up SC as collateral when entering storage contracts. This ensures reliability and motivates hosts to fulfill their storage commitments, enhancing trust within the network.
    Inizio del periodo2024-01-30
    Fine del periodo2025-01-30
    Consumo energetico87614336.89081 (kWh/a)
    Risorse e metodologie di consumo energeticoFor the calculation of energy consumptions, the so called “top-down” approach is being used, within which an economic calculation of the miners is assumed. Miners are persons or devices that actively participate in the proof-of-work consensus mechanism. The miners are considered to be the central factor for the energy consumption of the network. Hardware is pre-selected based on the consensus mechanism's hash algorithm: Blake. A current profitability threshold is determined on the basis of the revenue and cost structure for mining operations. Only Hardware above the profitability threshold is considered for the network. The energy consumption of the network can be determined by taking into account the distribution for the hardware, the efficiency levels for operating the hardware and on-chain information regarding the miners' revenue opportunities. If significant use of merge mining is known, this is taken into account. When calculating the energy consumption, we used - if available - the Functionally Fungible Group Digital Token Identifier (FFG DTI) to determine all implementations of the asset of question in scope and we update the mappings regulary, based on data of the Digital Token Identifier Foundation.
    Consumo di energia rinnovabile15.116111393 (%)
    Intensità energetica5.45544 (kWh)
    Emissioni di GHG DLT Scope 1 - Controllate0.00000 (tCO2e/a)
    Emissioni di GHG DLT Scope 2 - Acquistate36096.76172 (tCO2e/a)
    Intensità dei GHG2.24762 (kgCO2e)
    Principali fonti e metodologie energeticheTo determine the proportion of renewable energy usage, the locations of the nodes are to be determined using public information sites, open-source crawlers and crawlers developed in-house. If no information is available on the geographic distribution of the nodes, reference networks are used which are comparable in terms of their incentivization structure and consensus mechanism. This geo-information is merged with public information from the European Environment Agency (EEA) and thus determined.
    Principali fonti e metodologie di GHGTo determine the GHG Emissions, the locations of the nodes are to be determined using public information sites, open-source crawlers and crawlers developed in-house. If no information is available on the geographic distribution of the nodes, reference networks are used which are comparable in terms of their incentivization structure and consensus mechanism. This geo-information is merged with public information from the European Environment Agency (EEA) and thus determined.