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Kupno Mantle w jednej z wiodących firm maklerskich w Europie zajmujących się kupnem i sprzedażą aktywów cyfrowych jest łatwe, szybkie i bezpieczne.
Kryptoaktywa są wysoce zmienne. Możesz ponieść stratę części lub całości swojej inwestycji, dlatego ważne jest, aby inwestować tylko taką sumę, na której stratę możesz sobie pozwolić. Szczegółowy opis ryzyk znajdziesz w Oświadczeniu o Ryzyku.
Kryptoaktywa są wysoce zmienne. Możesz ponieść stratę części lub całości swojej inwestycji, dlatego ważne jest, aby inwestować tylko taką sumę, na której stratę możesz sobie pozwolić. Szczegółowy opis ryzyk znajdziesz w Oświadczeniu o Ryzyku.
MNT to token zarządzający Mantle Network, łańcucha Ethereum warstwy 2. Dzięki tak zwanym optymistycznym rollupom przyspiesza i zmniejsza koszty transakcji, łącząc i wykonując wiele transakcji poza łańcuchem, jednocześnie walidując je w łańcuchu. Mantle oferuje szybsze i tańsze transakcje, pozostając jednocześnie kompatybilnym z Ethereum. Opracowany przez BitDAO, zdecentralizowaną autonomiczną organizację (DAO) założoną przez Bybit, znaną giełdę krypto-pochodnych, Mantle aspiruje do bycia centralnym rozwiązaniem skalującym dla ekosystemu Ethereum.
Kryptowaluty o najwyższej kapitalizacji rynkowej
Kryptowaluty o najniższej kapitalizacji rynkowej
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Wszystko gotowe! Zacznij kupować Mantle i ponad 3.000 innych aktywów cyfrowych.
Przepisy ESG (Środowiskowe, Społeczne i Ład Korporacyjny) dotyczące aktywów kryptograficznych mają na celu rozwiązanie ich wpływu na środowisko (np. energochłonnego wydobycia), promowanie przejrzystości i zapewnienie etycznych praktyk zarządzania w celu dostosowania branży kryptowalut do szerszych celów zrównoważonego rozwoju i społecznych. Te regulacje zachęcają do przestrzegania standardów, które zmniejszają ryzyko i budują zaufanie do aktywów cyfrowych.
Nazwa | Bitpanda Asset Management GmbH, Bitpanda GmbH |
Odpowiedni identyfikator podmiotu prawnego | 9845005X9B7N610K0093, 5493007WZ7IFULIL8G21 |
Nazwa aktywa kryptograficznego | Mantle |
Mechanizm konsensusu | Mantle is present on the following networks: ethereum, mantle. The Ethereum network uses a Proof-of-Stake Consensus Mechanism to validate new transactions on the blockchain. Core Components 1. Validators: Validators are responsible for proposing and validating new blocks. To become a validator, a user must deposit (stake) 32 ETH into a smart contract. This stake acts as collateral and can be slashed if the validator behaves dishonestly. 2. Beacon Chain: The Beacon Chain is the backbone of Ethereum 2.0. It coordinates the network of validators and manages the consensus protocol. It is responsible for creating new blocks, organizing validators into committees, and implementing the finality of blocks. Consensus Process 1. Block Proposal: Validators are chosen randomly to propose new blocks. This selection is based on a weighted random function (WRF), where the weight is determined by the amount of ETH staked. 2. Attestation: Validators not proposing a block participate in attestation. They attest to the validity of the proposed block by voting for it. Attestations are then aggregated to form a single proof of the block’s validity. 3. Committees: Validators are organized into committees to streamline the validation process. Each committee is responsible for validating blocks within a specific shard or the Beacon Chain itself. This ensures decentralization and security, as a smaller group of validators can quickly reach consensus. 4. Finality: Ethereum 2.0 uses a mechanism called Casper FFG (Friendly Finality Gadget) to achieve finality. Finality means that a block and its transactions are considered irreversible and confirmed. Validators vote on the finality of blocks, and once a supermajority is reached, the block is finalized. 5. Incentives and Penalties: Validators earn rewards for participating in the network, including proposing blocks and attesting to their validity. Conversely, validators can be penalized (slashed) for malicious behavior, such as double-signing or being offline for extended periods. This ensures honest participation and network security. Mantle is a Layer-2 rollup built on top of Ethereum, designed to leverage Ethereum’s security and Proof-of-Stake (PoS) consensus without an independent consensus layer. Core Components of Mantle’s Consensus: 1. Ethereum PoS Inheritance: Layer-2 Rollup Model: Mantle does not operate its own consensus mechanism; instead, it relies on Ethereum’s PoS for transaction finalization and network security. As a rollup on Ethereum, Mantle inherits the security guarantees of Ethereum’s established PoS model. 2. Rollup Type Options: Optimistic Rollups or Zero-Knowledge Rollups: Depending on its configuration, Mantle may use either Optimistic Rollups or Zero-Knowledge Rollups (zk-Rollups) to batch transactions. These rollup methods allow Mantle to achieve efficient off-chain processing and on-chain finality by periodically committing transaction data to Ethereum’s mainnet. |
Mechanizmy zachęt i obowiązujące opłaty | Mantle is present on the following networks: ethereum, mantle. Ethereum, particularly after transitioning to Ethereum 2.0 (Eth2), employs a Proof-of-Stake (PoS) consensus mechanism to secure its network. The incentives for validators and the fee structures play crucial roles in maintaining the security and efficiency of the blockchain. Incentive Mechanisms 1. Staking Rewards: Validator Rewards: Validators are essential to the PoS mechanism. They are responsible for proposing and validating new blocks. To participate, they must stake a minimum of 32 ETH. In return, they earn rewards for their contributions, which are paid out in ETH. These rewards are a combination of newly minted ETH and transaction fees from the blocks they validate. Reward Rate: The reward rate for validators is dynamic and depends on the total amount of ETH staked in the network. The more ETH staked, the lower the individual reward rate, and vice versa. This is designed to balance the network's security and the incentive to participate. 2. Transaction Fees: Base Fee: After the implementation of Ethereum Improvement Proposal (EIP) 1559, the transaction fee model changed to include a base fee that is burned (i.e., removed from circulation). This base fee adjusts dynamically based on network demand, aiming to stabilize transaction fees and reduce volatility. Priority Fee (Tip): Users can also include a priority fee (tip) to incentivize validators to include their transactions more quickly. This fee goes directly to the validators, providing them with an additional incentive to process transactions efficiently. 3. Penalties for Malicious Behavior: Slashing: Validators face penalties (slashing) if they engage in malicious behavior, such as double-signing or validating incorrect information. Slashing results in the loss of a portion of their staked ETH, discouraging bad actors and ensuring that validators act in the network's best interest. Inactivity Penalties: Validators also face penalties for prolonged inactivity. This ensures that validators remain active and engaged in maintaining the network's security and operation. Fees Applicable on the Ethereum Blockchain 1. Gas Fees: Calculation: Gas fees are calculated based on the computational complexity of transactions and smart contract executions. Each operation on the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) has an associated gas cost. Dynamic Adjustment: The base fee introduced by EIP-1559 dynamically adjusts according to network congestion. When demand for block space is high, the base fee increases, and when demand is low, it decreases. 2. Smart Contract Fees: Deployment and Interaction: Deploying a smart contract on Ethereum involves paying gas fees proportional to the contract's complexity and size. Interacting with deployed smart contracts (e.g., executing functions, transferring tokens) also incurs gas fees. Optimizations: Developers are incentivized to optimize their smart contracts to minimize gas usage, making transactions more cost-effective for users. 3. Asset Transfer Fees: Token Transfers: Transferring ERC-20 or other token standards involves gas fees. These fees vary based on the token's contract implementation and the current network demand. Mantle aims to reduce transaction fees for users by utilizing Ethereum compatibility, rollup technology, and transaction bundling, offering a cost-effective Layer-2 solution. Incentive Mechanisms: 1. Gas Fee Model: Ethereum Compatibility: Mantle is EVM-compatible, meaning it shares Ethereum’s gas fee model. Transactions require users to pay fees in units of gas, with costs varying based on transaction complexity and computational demand. 2. Lower Transaction Costs: Off-Chain Processing with Bundling: By processing transactions off-chain and settling data on Ethereum only periodically, Mantle reduces individual transaction costs. This method results in significantly lower fees compared to the Ethereum mainnet. Economies of Scale: Through transaction bundling, Mantle can spread the cost of Ethereum’s on-chain settlement across multiple transactions, allowing users to pay only a fraction of the gas fees they would incur directly on Ethereum. Applicable Fees: Layer-2 Gas Fees: While Mantle’s gas fees are lower than those on Ethereum, they are still measured in units of gas and depend on transaction complexity. The fees reflect the cost of executing transactions in Mantle’s Layer-2 environment while benefiting from reduced overall gas consumption due to batching. |
Początek okresu | 2024-01-30 |
Koniec okresu | 2025-01-30 |
Zużycie energii | 73945.76147 (kWh/a) |
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