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Buying Axie Infinity Shard on Europe’s leading retail broker for buying and selling digital assets is easy, fast and secure.
Crypto-assets are highly volatile. You could sustain a loss of some or all of your investment, so it is important to invest only what you can afford to lose. For a detailed overview of the risks, please review the Risk Disclosure.
A highly successful blockchain game, Axie Infinity is based on popular games such as Pokémon and Tamagotchi and ranks among the top Ethereum-based gaming DApps. AXS coins are based on the ERC20 standard and have a total supply of 270 million tokens. The objective of the project is to provide players with exposure to blockchain technology in an educational way. Players are able to raise, breed, battle and collect creatures called Axies that they can customise into different creatures of their choice. Axies are grouped on different rarity scales in an infinite ecosystem. Each Axie token is an NFT (non-fungible token) with its own strengths and attributes and can be entered into 3v3 battles, used to create unique offspring with other Axies or sold on the Axie marketplace. Axie Infinity Shards (AXS) are the ecosystem’s own governance token for giving holders a vote on the spending of funds and in key governance matters and can also be staked as part of the community treasury.
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