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Buy Render RENDER

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About Render (RENDER)

The GPU rendering network Render Token has set out to provide a profitable alternative to idle GPUs by connecting artists and studios requiring GPU computer power with mining partners who are willing to provide their services to the network by renting out their GPU capabilities. The Render network offers its users a scalable and cost-effective solution reducing barriers to entry for artists and revolutionising the digital creation process. The network uses the security properties of the Ethereum blockchain and Proof of Render to ensure and verify that all art is successfully rendered before payment in RNDR, that is stored in escrow during the process, is disbursed. RNDR, the network’s token is a Solana utility token and is used for the payment and exchange for GPUs. All parties involved (including node creators and operators) need to hold the native asset to participate in the rendering network.

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How to buy Render easily, quickly and securely

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  • 4. Start buying Render

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  • ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) regulations for crypto assets aim to address their environmental impact (e.g., energy-intensive mining), promote transparency, and ensure ethical governance practices to align the crypto industry with broader sustainability and societal goals. These regulations encourage compliance with standards that mitigate risks and foster trust in digital assets.

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