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Earn extra rewards with Bitpanda Staking

The hands-off way to earn up to 30% APY* while you do you.

Start staking

Staking allows you to participate in transaction validation on Proof of Stake blockchains which you will be rewarded for.

A new way to earn more

Start staking your coins and tokens in a single tap and earn weekly rewards automatically.
  • No lock-ins

    Any assets you stake with Bitpanda are yours to use how you want, when you want (except for ETH staking).

  • Weekly rewards

    When you stake with Bitpanda, you’ll get rewards for your assets each week.

  • No warm-up period

    No more waiting before your coins work for you. With Bitpanda, you get rewards from week one.

  • Auto-staking

    Rewards - excluding any earned in the early bird 2x rewards - are staked automatically, so your investment can keep growing. Just like with compound interest.

Earn while you

Hold crypto, get rewards

Choose from 46 coins and tokens that generate rewards.
We'll be adding more soon, so stay tuned.

10%+ staking rewards

bitsCrunch BCUT

25 - 30%

<5% staking rewards

*Bitpanda Staking allows you to participate in transaction validation on Proof of Stake blockchains which you will be rewarded for. Please be aware that staking carries risks and you may lose the entire amount of capital invested. Make sure to do the necessary research before staking any coins. Bitpanda does not guarantee any reward. The estimated rewards presented include the application of Bitpanda fees respectively.

Become a BEST VIP for extra rewards

Increase your staking rewards by up to 12.5% more. The more BEST you hold, the more rewards you get.

Category VIP level 012345


Bitpanda Technology Solutions
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